Thursday, July 26, 2007

Oh how I love Harry....

I finished the 7th Harry Potter book, Formally called "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", and I just need to say that ITS MY FAVORITE ONE!!!! Up until now, # 4 was my one and only, but this one has surpassed it. She did a wonderful job! I wont spoil any endings and such for those of you that are slow readers, or are retarded and havent gotten in on the goodness of Harry, but just wanted to give a shout out to J.K. and say that it was wonderful, and I'm sad it's over! But also glad to finally have the ending. I think I'll feel the same way about "LOST" when all is said and done. Anyways, There will be more book reviews to come as soon as "Eclipse" comes out...the third installment of the "Twilight" and "New Moon" books. And, if you havent read those either, run to your local bookstore because they are fantastic too! I was in Canada when I got the 7th book, and so it has a different cover as the American one...just incase you were wondering what it looks like, I'm posting some pics. I love Harry.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Mandy said...

i cant wait to read # 7. i am one of the retarded ones who havent gotten it yet, but what can i say , student loans dont include harry potter books. i will have to wait until i can find a copy at the library! :) i have to say 5 was my favorite book. i also have been waiting for new moon to become available at my library. i loved twilight, i had to read it all in one night. dont you just want to meet edward? i hope they make it into a movie!

Taylor said...

It's good to hear from you...Your Lily is very cute, and getting so big. Tell Gary and Jill hello for me.

Taylor said...

Your page looks much better. when I find time I will make mine look fantabulos
***Said with an enormous gay lisp

Taylor said...

P.S. Ya'll need to come down to San Diego to visit. Don't get me wrong it isn't Canaddad...It's way better. Plus we don't have run away boulders, and we aren't infiltrated by Liberal poop creams

Taylor said...

"Mandy and I rule this blog", said Taylor the Great as he stakes his difital flag into the interactive soil, "If anyone wants to comment on this blog will have to pay a toll of 4 digi-bucks!!!"

Taylor said...

difital = digital in Sweedish. By the way Mandy and I are Sweedish interactive pikings (mixture of pirates and vikings) which will rule this virtual land and dirupt the digi-peace!!!

Mandy said...

whatever he said!

Taylor said...

Hey Jaime do you know Ryan Johns? Email me at with the dirt if you have any.