Monday, April 28, 2008

Have you wondered where I've been?

Well, It's been a bit of a bumpy ride this last little while! I'm 13 weeks pregnant and am still puking my guts up, so blogging has been last on my list to do!! I hate this part so much. Ugh. I have a feeling that when we go to heaven, there will be quite a long line of women asking the same questions I wanna of them being "WHY THE MORNING SICKNESS???" It's so miserable. See, this is why I haven't posted! I don't have much nice to say. Boo! We are excited though! We have seen the baby and heard its crazy fast heartbeat, and that makes it feel real. I can't wait to feel the kicking!
On to the next hardship. My beautiful Gramme Stretz died a week ago from heart failure. It was very unexpected, and we are all saddened by it. The funeral went well, and it was good to see family and friends that we hadn't seen in a while. She was such a wonderful example to us all and she will be truly missed! Click HERE to read her obituary. So, As you can see, it hasn't exactly been a fun little while for us all, but we'll all get through it and in October we'll have a new little bundle of joy! :-)