Have you gotten the book yet? Wow! It's pretty crazy already, and I'm only on like page 200! Well, friday night my long time friend and fellow "twilighter",Britney, convinced me to go to the midnight release of "Breaking Dawn" at Border's Books. So, at around 10:30pm, Britney, My sister-in-law Kerry, Britney's sister-in-law Katie and Brit's husband Jaren, along with two little night owls, Lily and her cousin Meg, jumped in the car and went to the party! It was funny to see how everyone was so into it, dressed up as characters from the book, and anxiously awaiting the books arrival. There was a costume contest, and a raffle to be the first, second and third people in line to get books at 12:01am. We didn't dress up, but we did enter the raffle of course, and since Lily and Meg are such fans of the book, they entered too! :-) We had fun hanging out at the bookstore, and considering that most 2-year-olds are asleep at 10:30pm, we had the whole kid's section to ourselves! They gave out vampire fangs, and Edward and Bella stickers. It was quite an event!
They announced over the intercom about a half hour before the release that Kerry Hogle was the winner to be the 2nd person in line to get the book! We were laughing and excited especially since there was a least 100+ people there and we hadn't reserved a copy previously. We ran up to the front just as they were gonna pull another ticket for the second place in line, since we weren't up in the front waiting for the winners. But, as we said "she's here!" the whole crowd sighed. Haha! Then, they pulled the next ticket, and the lucky winner for the third place in line was none other than Meg Hogle!....Kerry's 2-year-old daughter. Even funnier!
Three pregnant girls, Britney and Jaren and two 2-year-olds happy to have our books and be on our way!!
I totally went to that in San Diego- I love it, love it, love it!! You look so cute prego!
That was sooo fun! Next time let's dress up okay...All you prego ladies can be Bella. I felt a little left out but at least I had Edward there with me :) I mean Jaren! The book is CRAZY, are you finished yet?
Thats cool you guys, well the hogles, had great luck!!! Crazy. I hope the books as good as everyone says!
Hey, thanks for saying hi. It has been so long, it took me a minute to figure out who you were. Looks like you are doing great. Your family is darling. Keep in touch. (And yes, thankfully my hair has grown back-finally. It has literally taken 9 years. It is so slow, and still growing. I don't think it will ever be all the way back- oh well at least I don't look like a man :)
look how cute your belly is!!! You are beautiful. So, there is a Jamie Zobrist in my ward.. are you related to all the Zobrists?
lOVE YOUR NEW background & header! You are so cute and creative Jamilia, that is why I like being around YOU! I better call you so we can talk about breaking dawn! Hope your belly isn't tearing your insides apart :)
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