Lily has "show and tell" each week at preschool. Last week she was to share her favorite thing. We thought chocolate was a good idea, since I've never seen a 3-year-old consume so much, and her Aunt Katie who was visiting suggested we bring a little chocolate to share with the class. I got it all ready to go, but then Lily ran in her room and grabbed a picture off her nightstand that she has taped to the side of it next to her bed and said she HAD to bring this. I kind of moaned thinking, "what will her teachers think", since they are in our ward, but I realized it was one of her favorite things and she really does love it. It's a picture that my Dad took for a singer that he knows. She was doing some promo stuff and asked him to do some shots. Lily knows all about the people in the pic: Koko, Kandy and Synammen Jenkins! :-) When I picked Lily up from school, I asked her teachers what they thought of her "show and tell" item, and Miss Heather told me ALL about it! Lily said they were Grandpa's friends and told them their names, and how one of them had to leave the band, etc. I can only imagine their initial reaction! I had to give them a little background about how my Dad is a musician and is into photography, so that it didn't sound so crazy! Kids.
Koko, Synammen Jenkins, and Kandy
Lily had an uncanny resemblance to her idol this morning when I took her curlers out...