Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Remember me? Oh, what a slacker I am. I have been totally uninterested in blogging lately, and then tonight I started making designs for it and decided to say hello. There are the things that have happened in the last few months:

- My Mom had ovarian cancer and thyroid cancer and had then both removed, and miraculously didn't need any
further treatment than the surgeries (thus far)...! Can you say blessed? It's a much more detailed story and a long emotional journey than I'm making it sound, but if you don't already know it, it'll give you a good reason to call or email me!

- Jake is back in school.

- Betsy is getting her molars.

- Lily has her first crush(s).

- I'm forever doing Weight Watchers.

- Lily wants to start Karate (?)

- Betsy had her first ear infection.

- It rained. A LOT!

- LOST started again. (sigh!)

- We are still happy here in CA.

     -Come Visit!-

Until next time,


Mindy said...

Hi Jamie! Do you remember me? I used to be Mindy Matthews, but we moved from Vegas when I was 12. But I definitely remember you!

I randomly found your blog from linking from one old friend to the next. Your family is so beautiful! And you look amazing! It is so good to see what you're up to these days.

Megan said...

Lets get together soon! I will email my number so we can make plans.

Steph said...

Sorry to hear about your mom! I didn't even know. I'm glad she's recovered. We need to see more of each other. . .let's make it happen!

Britney and Jaren Jensen said...

Your designs are cute, now please design my HAIR!! Why am I never in town at the same time as you :(

Kristin said...

So glad you back!! I must know, what font did you use for the j in your name?

the waites said...

weight kill me!

remember in hawaii when you weighed 80lbs??? Seriously after this baby sign me up ASAP!

you look great my dear! Your Christmas card was killer:)