Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Turning 3!

Lily's Birthday is quickly approaching! The 17th to be exact. I sent out email invitations, and if you didnt get one it's cuz I dont have your email address. If you want to come, leave your email in a comment, or contact me at jamiliajean@yahoo.com and I'd be more than happy to send one to you!


butter&eggs said...

I don't need to be invited to Lilys party although I'm sure she would want me there!! I just wanted to tell you congrats on your new little family member. She is beautiful! Heard from a little bird you were coming back to work tomorrow! Can't wait to see ya

Heather said...

I want to come!! I just dont want to drive : ) You new baby is so cute!! I was just saying last night that I wish moms did not need sleep : ) Lily is so darling too! She is getting so big!

Kerry said...

LOVE the new LOGO. Meg will represent our family at Lily's partay

the waites said...

I love how honest you are about baby blues, I totally understand. I didn't get the blues just was way to sensative and got my feelings hurt over the stupidiest things. Your girl are pretty pretty.As for the mother of all living you look dynamite!