Monday, September 29, 2008

Google yourself

This was on Brittney Dye's Blog. I was bored, and it looked a little amusing! Just use google image and type in your answers and post the first picture that comes up!

First Name:


Middle Name:


Last Name:




Place I'd like to visit someday:

Mediterranean. (Cruise to be exact)

Favorite Vacation Spot:

Currently, Hawaii.

Past Celebrity Crush:

Joey Lawrence. I'll admit it!

College Major:

Hairdresser...Not a college major, but better than! :-)

Place I grew up:

Yorba Linda, CA. and Las Vegas, NV.

First Job:

Information Operator...that's right, 411!

Favorite Dessert:

Molten Chocolate Cake from Chili's

Favorite Food:

French Fries or Spaghetti

Favorite Color:


Somewhere you've gone today:

Went to the Baby Doc!

What's for Dinner:

Buffet (that's what I feel like anyways!)


Paul and Deborah Speed said...

Hey! That is so funny -- I want to do it for myself. Glad you found us. I'll add you to my blog too.

terynmendenhall said...

I put in my name and a picture of an elfin fairy type painting came up and she had strawberry blonde hair, kinda funny.