Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Our new love......

Heroes!!! We love it! Since LOST doesn't air again until January, we have shifted our attention to our new found love "Heroes"! We bought the first season and have become big fans! We haven't seen the first episode of the new season yet, but its tivo-ed, so dont worry...but for those of you who share our love of Heroes, dont ruin it for us! And for those of you that havent watched it, take it from me...its pretty good!!


Mandy said...

i love love love heros as well. such a great show.
i like your new page. so cute

KABSorensen said...

I love that show too. Kenny thinks I am weird but I am glad to know that there are others out there. I am so mad Lost isn't on yet. -Ashlee

Heather said...

I love that your blog plays music. You need to teach me how. We are coming up in a few weeks we will have to get the kids all together : )